A few months back, we ran a fun contest via social media that would help us find the perfect name for our cute little previously-nameless “bagel guy”. After tons of fan entries and a thorough staff voting process, GoldiLox came out on top. It’s perfect! Bagels are usually a warm gold color, and we all know they’re better with Lox on top.
Since our guy now had a great name, he was finally confident enough to start going out in public. To celebrate, GoldiLox handed out coupons around town, and even better, started Free Bagel Friday, he delivered (we drove, everyone knows bagels can’t drive) assorted bagel trays to various offices near our Goldbergs locations. There’s not much funnier than seeing an unsuspecting office staff’s reactions to a human-sized bagel coming through the door. (They chill out once they see the free treats). 😉
Here are some photos from our recent adventures with GoldiLox. If you’d like to see us at YOUR office, just tweet us @goldbergsbagel and use the hashtag #freebagelfriday. Maybe we’ll surprise you next!
Peace, love, & cream cheese.